Getting a loan in Ghana can sometimes be difficult especially if you are not on payroll. However, there are some companies that offer loan services to the people of Ghana without collateral. In this article, we have given an overview of some of the best loan companies in Ghana.
Loan companies are organizations or financial institutions that offer loan services to individuals. There are several types of these loans. These could be either personal loan or business loan or educational loan.
In Ghana, most loan companies provide loans to individuals through loan apps and sites. Continue reading to learn the top loan companies that provide financial services to the people of Ghana.
Loan Companies in Ghana
Below is an overview of some of the individuals and agencies that provide loans to residents of Ghana.
1.Best Point Savings and Loans
Best Point Savings and Loans Company is number one in our list because it is one of the most popular financial institution that provides savings and loans services in Ghana.
The institution is licensed by the Bank of Ghana to provide savings and loans services to the people of Ghana. The vision of Best Point Savings and Loans Company is to become number one in Ghana in terms of savings and loans services.
2. Opportunity International Savings and Loans
It is a savings and loans company based in Ghana which provides financial services to individuals and groups in Ghana. The savings and loans company is one of the most popular institutions to acquire personal or business loan from in Ghana.
Opportunity International Savings and Loans Ltd has over 40 branches and over 100 Momo Merchant Agents across Ghana. The institution offers the following services: loans, savings account, fixed deposit, current account, susu savings and investment opportunities.
3. Izwe Savings and Loans
Izwe Savings and Loans Company is one of the most popular financial institutions that offer loan services in Ghana. The company has offices in Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia with their head office in Mauritius.
The company provides loans to individuals, entrepreneurs and business-owners in Ghana.
Why Choose Izwe Savings and Loans?
1. The company makes it easy to get small business loans with minimal paperwork
2. It offers affordable, flexible and comprehensive monthly repayment options
3. You can access loan applications in minutes
4. Izwe Savings and Loans also offer high returns on savings and investments.
4. GHASALC Savings and Loans
It is a savings and loans company in Ghana licensed by the Bank of Ghana to provide savings and loans services to the people of Ghana.
GHASALC Savings and Loans Company has been in service since 2008. The company has about 4.49bn in assets as at 2019, over 8,000 direct employees, and operates in all the 26 regions of Ghana.
5. Direct Savings and Loans
It is another savings and loans company licensed by the Bank of Ghana to provide financial services to individuals and agencies in Ghana.
The aim of Direct Savings and Loans Company is to provide banking services to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), traders and market women, salaried and non-salaried workers. The vision of Direct Savings and Loans is to become one of the best savings and loans institutions in Ghana.
6. ASA Savings and Loans Company Limited
Another financial institution that offer loan services in Ghana is ASA Savings and Loans Company. It is regulated by the Bank of Ghana Ghana to provide loan services to business owners in Ghana.
The company offers loans to low-income female business owners to start or grow their business. ASA Savings and Loans Limited has over fifteen thousand clients, 133 branches and outstanding loan portfolio of $48.9m.
The loan company provides the following services to their clients: loans, current and savings accounts, and fixed term deposits.
7. Equity Savings and Loans Company
It is a financial institution registered at the Registra General's Department. The institution is licensed by the Bank of Ghana to offer loans and savings services to individuals in the country.
Equity Savings and Loans provides financial services to businesses and individuals in Ghana. In addition to adults savings accounts, equity savings and loans also provides children account called Equity Kiddie Account.
8. Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd
Advans Ghana is a savings and loans company that provides loan services to individuals in Ghana. The company offers both personal and business loans.
Advans Savings and Loans Ltd helps individuals in Ghana to expand their businesses, and to grow their business without prior savings. In addition to savings and loans services, Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Company also provides investment opportunities.
9. Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans
Sinapi is a savings and loans company established in 1994 as a Non-Financial entity. The aim of the savings and loans company is to provide quality, affordable and comprehensive financial services to individuals and groups in Ghana.
Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Company also offers investment services along with loans. Sinapi has a good reputation as one of the best institutions to acquire personal or business loan from in Ghana.
10. Adehyeman Savings and Loans Limited
It is one of the savings and loans company licensed by the Bank of Ghana to provide financial services to individuals in Ghana.
Services offered by Adehyeman Savings and Loans Company include investment opportunities, credit/loans and deposits. The institution provides group loans, Nkosuo loans, salary loans and agro loans.
11. Credit Union
It is a cooperative financial institution that is controlled and owned by its members. Ghana Co-operative Credit Union provides financial services to individuals and groups in Ghana. These include: investment opportunities, savings and loans.
The financial company is affiliated to the African Confederation of Co-operative Savings and Credit Association (ACCOSCA) and the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU).
Other Loan Companies In Ghana
Bobby Charlton Loan Company
Qwik Loan Ghana
Speed Money Lending Services
ABii National Savings and Loans Limited
Bobby Charlton Loan Company
Speedline Money Lending Services
Pan-African Savings and Loans Company Ltd
Blue Financial Services Ghana LTD
Goldenlink Savings and Loans
Bond Savings and Loans
Star Capital Money Lending Ltd
Jins Savings and Loans
Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit Ltd
Service Integrity Savings and Loans
Progress Savings and Loans Ltd
Equity Savings and Loans
Multicredit Savings and Loans Ltd
Adom Savings and Loans
The Seed Funds Savings and Loans
We have given an overview of some of the savings and loans companies in Ghana as at the time of writing this article. There are other institutions that offer loan services in Ghana that we have not been able to include in this article. I suggest you visit or call each company to know more about their services.
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